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Luoghi da visitare & suggerimenti per gite di un giorno

Ci sono così tanti luoghi diversi da vedere e sperimentare, ecco solo alcuni suggerimenti:

Image by Enrico Tavian


Visit the birthplace of Saint Francis


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Dazzling vast ‘carpets’ of wild and cultivated flowers in Castelluccio

Image by Giovanni Nicolini

Frasassi caves

Visit one of the largest cave systems in Europe


Image by Diogo Tavares

Trekking trails

Trekking tour through Sibillini Mountains National Park 

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Conero National Park

Visit the beautiful Canero National Park at the Adriatic coast

Image by Angelo Dong

Ascoli Piceno

Visit “the most beautiful piazza in Italy” with it's renaissance architecture,

Ci sono numerosi piccoli paesi e frazioni (chiedeteci).

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